Defending Against Ransomware

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Defending Against Ransomware 

Ransomware is a rapidly growing threat affecting numerous private companies and government agencies. Ransomware can encrypt files on a device rendering them usable until a ransom is paid in exchange for its depiction. Any given attack could cost thousands to millions of dollars in loss of capabilities, recovering data, or repairing system damage. However, there are efforts every organization should take to defend against this type of attack.  

Here are a few tips when dealing with Ransomware: 

  1. Backup your data and systems. This will always be the fastest way to regain your data! 
  1. Be careful of phishing attacks. Malicious actors can trick employees into installing malware through unsolicited e-mail attachments or web links. 
  1. Ensure all software is up-to-date with relevant patches. 
  1. Use a trusted Virtual Private Network (VPN) for public Wi-Fi. 
  1. Do not pay the ransom if the attack has already happened. This will only encourage and funds these malicious actors. 
  1. Finally, use reputable antivirus software and a firewall. Such as Defendedge’s Next-Generation firewall. 

DefendEdge’s solution to Ransomware defend: 

DefendEdge implements a Next-Generation firewall that features AV scanning, Web Filtering, IDS/IPS, Application Control, DNS filtering, SSL inspection, etc. Also, we provide careful monitoring of user’s activities, threat hunting, e-mails scans, phishers detection, and other malicious activities prevention. If you would like more information about additional cybersecurity “best practices,” please visit, and contact us.