Our news
Broward Breach Highlights Healthcare Supply-Chain Problems
More than 1.3 million patient records were stolen in the just-disclosed breach, which occurred back in October.
Uber Bug, Ignored for Years, Casts Doubt on Official Uber Emails
A simple-to-exploit bug that allows bad actors to send emails from Uber’s official system — skating past email security — went unaddressed despite multiple flagging by researchers.
FTC to Go After Companies that Ignore Log4j
Companies that fail to protect secure consumer data from Log4J attacks are at risk of facing Equifax-esque legal action and fines, the FTC warned.
SEGA’s Sloppy Security Confession: Exposed AWS S3 Bucket Offers Up Steam API Access & More
SEGA’s disclosure underscores a common, potentially catastrophic, flub — misconfigured Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 buckets.
Microsoft Sees Rampant Log4j Exploit Attempts, Testing
Microsoft says it’s only going to get worse: It’s seen state-sponsored and cyber-criminal attackers probing systems for the Log4Shell flaw through the end of December.
Vulnerability Summary for the Week of December 27, 2021
Original release date: January 4, 2022   High Vulnerabilities Primary Vendor — Product Description Published CVSS Score Source & Patch Info There were no high vulnerabilities recorded this week. Back to top   Medium Vulnerabilities Primary Vendor — Product Description Published CVSS Score Source & Patch Info apache — log4j Apache Log4j2 versions 2.0-beta7 through…
What the Rise in Cyber-Recon Means for Your Security Strategy
Expect many more zero-day exploits in 2022, and cyberattacks using them being launched at a significantly higher rate, warns Aamir Lakhani, researcher at FortiGuard Labs.
APT ‘Aquatic Panda’ Targets Universities with Log4Shell Exploit Tools
Researchers from CrowdStrike disrupted an attempt by the threat group to steal industrial intelligence and military secrets from an academic institution.
5 Cybersecurity Trends to Watch in 2022
Here’s what cybersecurity watchers want infosec pros to know heading into 2022.
2021 Wants Another Chance (A Lighter-Side Year in Review)
The year wasn’t ALL bad news. These sometimes cringe-worthy/sometimes laughable cybersecurity and other technology stories offer schadenfreude and WTF opportunities, and some giggles.