Working from home is here to stay

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Working from home is here to stay. One of many things made clear by the Covid-19 pandemic was that working from home can save businesses money and many employees prefer it. This new work from home culture has allowed a much bigger threat vector for businesses. Drive-By wireless attacks will continue to grow and be a threat as the work from home force grows. IoT attacks rose by 35% in the first half of 2020 and will continue to grow.  

So how can you protect your network if you work from home? The first steps to making your network a hard target are simple and easy to put in place. Console into your home router and change the WiFi SSID. This is something you can do with a computer and an Ethernet cable. Change the default admin credentials as well. 82 percent of people do not change their default admin credentials. While changing your steps does not guarantee an attack will not happen, it does make you less vulnerable to attacks.